
Topics considered a priority are discussed and established by the Board with input from the membership. Some of our current priorities are as follows:

  • Professional Development: We continue to advocate for professional development opportunities for TRaP faculty, including the opportunity to focus on professional development as a part of paid employment, potentially via support for a paid leave or other relief from duties in order to pursue professional development. A comprehensive study was done in Spring 2024 on the topic related to peer institutions and can be found here.
  • Feedback and Pathways to Promotion: We aim to ensure that all TRaP faculty receive feedback from their supervisors annually, or at least once during their contracted employment period. There should be a way for faculty to respond to evaluations and denied promotions.
  • Wages: We seek inclusion in any university analysis of salaries. We also aim to help rectify wage compression.
  • Coordination of School-Specific Items: Policies and practices vary from school to school. ATRaP is committed to helping uncover differences and support advocacy for change on a school level. 

If you would like to help support ATRaP on one or more of these priorities, please contact Julia Deems or Amy Cislo, Co-Presidents.


ATRaP has played a role in communication and advocacy for the following policy changes that have been enacted on WashU’s campus:

  • Emeritus status for TRaP faculty (2024)
  • Paid Parental Leave (2018)
  • Provost’s Professional Development Fund (2018)
  • Representation on University Committees
  • Representation on University- and School-Level Hiring
  • Representation on University Faculty Senate and Voting Rights
  • Creation of Faculty Fellow position(s) in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Diversity (2021)
  • Direct Communication with the Provost
  • Phased Retirement (2022)
  • Guaranteed Representation on Faculty Senate Council (2023)
  • Sick Leave Policy for Research Faculty (2023)

Ongoing Programming

  • Mentoring program and networking for newly hired TRaP faculty
  • Professional Development Programming for TRaP faculty
  • ATRaP Board Meetings (approximately monthly)
  • ATRaP Semester Meeting (once or twice each fall and spring semester)
  • ATRaP Website (includes links to resources for TRaP faculty)