This page contains links to resources that other TRaP faculty have recommended as helpful.

Have a suggestion for something else to include? Email us.

The Teaching Center

The Teaching Center collaborates with faculty to design and assess teaching approaches that have the potential to improve student learning. It offers a variety of workshops and symposia, consultations and mentoring, and fellowships to support faculty teaching.

Office of the Provost

Of particular interest may be the pages on diversity; reports on faculty trends, work-life balance, and pay equity; the application for professional development reimbursement for TRaP faculty, and various teaching grants.

Office of the Ombuds

The Office of the Ombuds is a neutral resource for problem resolution available to faculty members on the Danforth Campus. It offers assistance in the informal resolution of campus-related conflicts and advocates for fair treatment and process. The four principles to which it adheres are confidentiality, independence, impartiality, and informality.

Title IX Office

The Title IX Office responds to reports of prohibited conduct under federal statute Title IX, which includes sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. This site defines those terms and offers resources for making an informal or formal complaint for yourself or a report on behalf of someone else.

Faculty are considered “responsible employees” who must report incidents of sexual harassment, including sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, or other misconduct to appropriate school officials.

Resources on diversity and inclusion

WashU is committed to supporting and cultivating a stronger climate of diversity and inclusion at WashU. Here you can learn more about the university’s framework for change, its signature initiatives, ways to get involved, and more. Of special interest may be the gender-inclusive restroom and accessibility maps, and the Insider’s Guide to WashU.

You may also be interested in the university’s policies and procedures about discrimination and harassment.

Learn At Work

Learn At Work is the university’s online resource for compliance training. All faculty must complete Code of Conduct certification annually.


Of special interest may be information about the Faculty Senate and Senate Council, including meeting minutes.

Office of University Compliance

This page includes the university’s Code of Conduct and information about reporting violations.

WU Police Department

Includes information about crime prevention and safety, including safe transit on and off campus, as well as emergency preparedness information.