Reserving a classroom
Most classrooms on the Danforth campus are managed by the University, though some are managed by individual departments. A list of university-managed (“pooled”) classrooms can be found here.
To reserve a University-managed classroom for academic purposes (e.g., classes, help sessions, and other meetings related to courses), contact John Pingree, coordinator for academic support in the Office of the University Registrar (314-935-4145 or
For non-academic events, requests should be made through Reserve-a-Space ( All non-academic events must follow the policies set by Event Management.
Multimedia systems
The Teaching Center provides individual training for faculty and teaching assistants on how to use the classroom multimedia systems. Faculty are encouraged to visit their classrooms before the semester starts to practice using the equipment. More information on using the multimedia systems in pooled classrooms, including troubleshooting can be found here.