This page includes information other TRaP faculty have found helpful in seeking to support their students.
Have a suggestion for something else to include? Email us.
If you’re worried about a student
If you are concerned a student is a danger to self or others, call WUPD: 935-5555 (on campus) or 911 (off campus).
Here are some additional resources you may find helpful:
- Kognito At-Risk: an online simulation designed to help staff and faculty members strengthen their ability to notice signs of emotional distress, use techniques to discuss concerns, and refer students to appropriate campus resources when necessary.
- WashU Cares, a website dedicated to ways you can help a student who’s in trouble. You can file a report there if you are concerned about the physical or mental well-being of a student. Also describes how to recognize behaviors that indicate crisis and lists a variety of academic, personal, and health resources.
- From Student Health Services, information about emergencies and crises
- Mental health resources at SHS, including counseling services, group therapy and workshops, drop-in sessions, and a web-based therapy program
- List of offices and administrators who may be able to help your student.
- Report an Academic Concern about an Undergraduate Student
- Student advisors: On WebFAC, next to the student’s name on your roster, you may click on “Advisors” to see all of the student’s advisors, including academic, progress, and Student Financial Services advisors.
Cornerstone: The Learning Center
This center manages academic resources such as peer mentoring, academic skills development, and graduate school test prep. The Cornerstone Center also manages disability resources.
You may be especially interested in information for faculty about disability accommodations.
Best practices for diversity and inclusion
WashU’s subject matter experts and advisory committees have created several statements of best practices aimed at furthering inclusion in the campus community.
Office for Student Success
The Office for Student Success creates an infrastructure of support to assist all Washington University students with their transition to and through college. This includes the Deneb STARS program for low-income or first-generation college students, grants to assist students with expenses outside the usual cost of attendance, and other initiatives.
Student Financial Services
SFS has resources for current students whose financial situation has changed. Students can apply for financial assistance, search for work-study or other employment, or learn about budgeting, among other services.
SafeZones training
SafeZones training prepares faculty members to be allies for LGBTQIA* students. Contact Anna Shabsin for more information.
Title IX Office
Please note that WashU faculty are “responsible employees” who must report to their supervisor any information when a student tells them about an incident that may be a Title IX violation.
Faculty Fellows and Associates
Faculty Fellows and Associates work with the Office of Residential Life to form relationships with students in individual residential communities on campus. Faculty may volunteer or be recommended by a student.
Office of Military and Veteran Services
WU Police Department
Includes information about crime prevention and safety, including safe transit on and off campus, as well as emergency preparedness information.